28 Aug Easy Microwave Mug Meal Ideas
Easy Microwave Mug Meal Ideas
Tired of cooking with pots and pans or always ordering meals on UberEats? This is definitely something you are looking for – a new option to easily make your meals with a microwave and a mug. These mug meals will change your mind about the way we use microwaves. We asked Ting, one of our Rooms International student staff, to attempt to make a 3 course meal that was easy to make, tasty, and affordable. It may not be the same as your parent’s home cooked recipes, but this is an easy way to start becoming a master chef of your own with ingredients you probably already have in your pantry! Let’s get started!
Chinese Steamed Egg
- Beat 2 eggs and water together with 1:2 ratio. Tips: measure the amount of water with eggshells, which means 4 eggshells in this case.
- Add in 1/4 spoon of miso sauce and stir it till melted.
- Add in sliced mushroom and fishcake (optional, or add any other toppings you like!)
- Cover with plastic wrap on the top with small holes and heat in microwaves on medium for 1.5 -2 minutes.
- Enjoy while hot!
- You can also replace miso sauce with 1 bag of instant miso soup which may be more convenient.
- If you want the steamed egg to look better, you can strain the mixture before heating.
Macaroni Cheese
- Heat 1/3 cup of macaroni with 1/4 cup of water in the microwave till cooked.
- Add in the rest of the ingredients and put some cheese on top.
- Heat in the microwave on medium for 2-3 minutes to cook the toppings and let the cheese get nice and melted.
- Enjoy while hot!
- We choose Macaroni since it’s smaller and easier to be cooked, but feel free to replace with other pasta or rice.
- Make sure you add enough tomato and capsicum (can be almost 1:1 with macaroni). The mixture of the cooked tomato and capsicum is what flavours the sauce and makes this dish tasty!
- You can also add mince or other ingredients you like to make the taste richer, but note that it needs to be small/easily cooked.
Chocolate Soufflé
- Heat dark chocolate and unsalted butter in the microwave for 1 min to melt.
- Sift the cake flour and baking powder into the mixture.
- Add egg, white sugar and mix well
- Heat in a microwave on small and set the time at 2 mins. You will see the mixture rise like a delicious chocolate flower unfolding.Take the soufflé out when it stops getting bigger.
- Enjoy while hot!
- The mixture will quickly and largely expand (2-3 times larger) once being heated, so make sure you leave enough space in your mug.
- Heating repeatedly may cause failure, it’s better to set a longer time and stop earlier if required.
- Feel free to add any topping you like!
The power of microwaves may differ and take different time periods to get the meals done. Do some trials to get familiar with it then you will be able to create more personalised dishes!
Rooms International Student Accommodation Melbourne provides microwave and all essential kitchen utensils and dishware for our tenants. Try some of these easy microwave mug meal ideas today and share your experience with us on Instagram!
Stay connected, look after yourselves and your neighbours and let’s all get through this together!